Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Talk to me!

Feedback is needed! For the past month or so I have been developing this web log. One of the things I need is your input! If you know of a cool web site related to Jeeps, let me know, I can add it to my links! If you know of a cool new product that just came out for Jeeps, please let me know. If you have found a great deal on parts, I want to add a post, so please tell me about it. If there is an event, a trail you love, anything to do with Jeeps, leave a comment. If you have a picture of your Jeep you would like me to post, that would be great. Contacting me is easy, just leave a comment for me (see below near the bottom of each post; there is a place to leave comments). I want to keep improving this web site, and I need your help! email me directly if you like: klkittel@hotmail.com

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