Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Gravelrama XXXV Pics

Well Gravelrama XXXV has come and gone. We had a great time camping and racing there. I thought you might like to see some pictures. From top to bottom we have John Brown from Carlise, Ohio with his racer Six Pak II. He won many trophys over the weekend. Next we have a live shot of the Brute, which is a Wrangler converted into a mini pickup truck. This vehicle was very cool in person. Next up are some rock crawlers which were on display on the midway. Further down is a partial picture of our campsite. My Jeep is the red one on the left. I ended up placing 2nd in the F4 Street Stock class. Maybe next year I can try again for 1st. Last but not least is Bill and Josh Hall's racer Sundance. We spent the better part of the summer getting this racer ready for Gravelrama but we still have some more work to do. If you've never been to Gravelrama I recommend that you attend some year!

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